Receivers are generally appointed by secured creditors who have valid security documents, which allow such appointments to companies who owe money to lenders. A Court may also appoint a Receiver in circumstances where this is appropriate.
Valid security documents are fundamental to the appointment of a Receiver.
A Registered Liquidator can act as a Receiver, and here at Menzies Advisory, we can provide secured lenders with the knowledge and experience required for such appointments.
A Receiver's role is to sell any available assets to pay out the debts owed to the secured creditor. Once all of the debt is paid back to the secured creditor, it is possible for control of the company to be returned to the directors.
A Receiver may also be appointed to finalise the affairs of a Trust.
Please contact us if you require any further details, and the first consultation is FREE.
Menzies Advisory has the knowledge, skills and expertise to implement a strategy that will ensure the best outcome for all involved.
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Menzies Advisory Pty Ltd is a CPA practice.
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